French Explorers

Samuel De Champlain

                        Samuel De Champlain was a French explorer who was born in the year of about 1567 and died in the year of 1635. He was born in the French area called Brouage. He has learned the ways of the ocean when he was very young by his dad, Antoine,and his uncle Guillaume Allene and he was so thankful. He was interested in exploring when he was about the age of 5. The only thing is, his first job wasn't for exploring, it was in the military. He once was in the army of the French and helped to battle off the spaniniards who were invading at the moment.
                        Samuel was fighting in the military to ward of the Spaniards. In the year of 1598, the French won and Samuel's army was broken up. Job-less, he looked for help from his Uncle Guillaume for a job. Samuel's uncle was hired as a person who has to ship the Spanish troops home. So, Champlain's uncle took him onto the job. While going to Spain, Samuel learned Spanish and learned how to sail some large ships. Champlain's goal is that he wanted to travel to the West Indies. The West Indies was a place where there are groups of islands south of Florida that were conquered by the king of Spain during the time.
                      While on the voyage, he hoped that he would be able to join the Annual Spanish expedition. This expedition carried goods to and from island to island. While in Spain, he tried to learn as much information about the West Indies. When he went back to France, he reported all of his finding to Henry the IV who was the king of France during that time. He was very fond of the West Indies and was very desperate to visit there. In the year of 1599, Samuel finally sailed to the West Indies. While there, he wrote about the things he saw there. He also drew pictures of the animals he saw there. He drew a picture of an animal that looks like a dragon in the water and nobody is sure about what he saw.
                     Then after his expedition in the West Indies, he explored to what is now know as Canada. In the year of 1603, Champlain was offered a very exciting voyage. Another explorer named Francois Pont-Grave invited Champlain to sail to the St.Lawrence in Canada. People say that Pont-Grave chose to sail to Canada with Champlain because he was a very good map maker. He was also a good writer. He made a book about his observation of the West Indies and showed it to Pont-Grave. The book showed all of his drawings and writing about what he has found in the West Indies and Pont-Grave was fascinated.
                     I think Samuel De Champlain was very influential to other explorers of his time. I really like Samuel because he was interested in a particular area that he wanted to explore. I want to visit Italy and Samuel wanted to visit the West Indies so I think that other people could relate to this too.  I think he really effected the world today because he sailed to Canada and found many interesting things that we have found today. Also, while in the West Indies, he drew a picture of an animal that nobody knows about so this would strike a new wonder of curiosity in the world. We are already wondering what may be in this world that we don't know anything about and now there is another thing that brings us to our wonder of things on this world. I really like this explorer and i am happy that there were/are other explorers that are as talented as Samuel De Champlain.

--Rachel Mercado.
Watts Library: Samuel de Champlain by Liz Sonneborn
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